Monday, December 6, 2010

My Problem!!!

I have a problem!!

I am a student of media studies and this semester we are doing New Media. We have been given a task - to start a blog, hence the birth of this account. Writing, for me at least, is an easy task, as long as I have a topic. What is one to do, though, when sky is the limit and there are innumerable things to talk about under it? I racked my brain till absolutely the last minute. Writer's block is not quite the situation I am in. Perhaps I am, there is no certainty.

I am a student - therefore not an expert account on several topics. How, then, am I to do justice to my blog? Perhaps... I have an idea. What better a topic to write about than 'I, ME, MYSELF'. This is a topic I am quite an expert on, and i would like to think that i am quite a mystery. I may have insights for others, and others so too for me.

So finally, after many a thought and severe speculation, i have finally found myself a theme. my blog is going to go up and away, and, at the same time, I am on the path of further Self-discovery!! :)

1 comment:

  1. This isn't writers block, its just an aversion to write something when under pressure. But I must say that you're doing much better than I did! looking forward to more of your - "I, ME, MYSELF".
