Monday, December 6, 2010


A teenage daughter's best friend and worst enemy is her MOTHER. They share a bond that no man will ever understand. They fight, they hug, they bicker, they love. It is a very complicated and mysterious relationship, one that evolves in mysterious ways. I love my mother. She has always been one of my closest friends. I can always talk to her about most things.

If someone asked me a year ago how important my mother is to me, I would have said pretty important. Isn't that a good enough answer? I don't think so. In the last year, I have seen a side to my mother and our relationship that I thought we could never share. Today, my mother is my best friend. There is nothing i cant tell her. I can run into her arms when i feel sad or hurt, forget my age and act like a little baby when i am in pain and she doesn't say anything. she only smiles and comforts me. When i am upset with her or angry, she becomes my friend, giving me my space and then consoling me. I can't quite put to words what she means to me.

She is neither my friend, nor my mother. she is sometimes both and sometimes never, but she is always there for me. there are not enough thank yous nor enough sorries in the world that can express my heart's truest feelings, but i know in my heart that in our silent voices, she knows what she means to me. I LOVE MY MOTHER AND THAT IS HOW IT WILL ALWAYS BE!!


  1. Has your mother read this?
    well deliberated =)

  2. i would say very important not pretty!!!

    dad's love???

  3. The minute your mum's going to read this, she'll be crying buckets and will not believe that this was written by the same kid who fights with her all the time! =D
    But I have to say, it's something I would make my mom read as well because after all we can't live with them and can't live without them! =)

  4. I love the way you began it. simple title and the first line is like BOOM. Cute writing..and your right...wtver said and is mom!

  5. yes, moms are the best !!! u don need anything special like mothers day for them....
