Thursday, December 9, 2010


i was just reading 'BANGALORE MIRROR' (a mindless paper, but sometimes a good read) and i saw this article regarding the sex laws in different parts of the world. I'm sure it has caught the attention of a lot of people. it wasn't the topic of discussion that caught my eye, let me assure all of you, but what exactly was written down. and i couldn't stop laughing.

For those of you who do not know what it was about, let me give you a gist. everyone knows what wikileaks are. let me introduce you to wikileaks founder Julian Assange. he was arrested a couple of days ago for breaking a Swedish sex law (i am not going into the intricacies of that event). in light of that arrest, Bangalore Mirror came up with a page long article of all the bizzaro laws countries around the world have regarding sex. Believe it or not, most of these laws come from the United States of America.

one of the world's foremost superpowers, most advanced country in the world, and it is flocked with problematic notions. Those of us who are literature students will be in a better position to understand it, but it isnt exactly rocket science - anyone can get it. if i have already managed to confuse you, what i am trying to say is that what many people consider to be so transparently modern and advance is actually just a bed of falacies and silly beliefs.

Over 10 states in the United States of America have some very funny laws regarding sex. (i dont intend to offend the sentiments of any community. i am also not going to deliberate on the details of these laws wither. i am merely stating that they exist.) What i find so funny is that so many of us consider America to be so modern, open-minded and advanced, given their levels of promiscuity and divorce, that we fail to even consider that they may have such primitive beliefs and laws. i guess, when it comes down to it, we are all just people separated by geographical boundaries. irrespective of the territories in which we live, none of us is really an embodiment of the region that represents us or that we represent.

Globalization has taught me one thing - we are more alike to our foreign counterparts than we suspect. we find someone just like us in every part of the world, irrespective of the language we speak, the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the religion we follow or the colour we have.

as a unit, though, reading that a country such as the USA has such laws regulating a primitive human need only makes the the whole thing seem BIZARRE!!


  1. "Disneyland is there to hide the 'real' country.. "
    (I'm sure you remember the rest from PK's class :)

    Valid argument, keep posting!
